Here I put links to various websites I find to be just plain cool. I am not doing any categorization here, but I will try to put a few words of description for each of these links.
- Dungeon Scrawl - Cool piece of software able for creating cool looking dungeon map for TTRPG scenarios.
- Ed Zitron's Where's Your Ed At - a blog where the author criticizes capitalistic side of tech.
- Fabien Sanglard's blog - an interesting technical blog.
- Giant in the Playground - makers of the Order of the Stick webcomic, which is more or less a parody of D&D stuff.
- maia arson crimew's website - a website of an enby hacker cat.
- Marginalia search engine - an extremely cool indie search engine.
- Simon Tatham's website - a personal website of the guy responsible for PuTTY and the Simon Tatham's Puzzle Collection (duh)
- Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow - Interesting mix of publicistic blog and links to other stuff.
- Volpeon's Den - personal website of a wyvern responsible for neocat and neofox emotes that are widely used in fedi. Makes amazing vector art.
- Web3 is going just great - a great listing of various grifts and fails happening within the cryptocurrency sphere.
- Wolnelewo (PL) - a leftist blog focused on Polish politics.
- xkcd - a cool nerdy comic that basically everyone knows. And well, if you don't, I guess you are one of today's lucky 10000.